
PUXANO technology platforms

By combining and integrating biotechnology, nanotechnology and data sciences, PUXANO provides a proprietary technology platform to accelerate structure-based protein research from sequence to structure. Our technologies overcome bottlenecks present in the standard structural biology pipeline such as construct design, protein expression, purification and high-resolution structure determination.

procondor: Semi-Automated and Data-Driven Protein Construct Design

Procondor is a bioinformatics software platform which enables data-driven and semi-automated protein construct design supporting high-throughput expression and purification campaigns. Starting from a protein target, procondor can automatically generate constructs tailored to your application and lab setup without the need for manual data collection and analysis, annotation and sequence editing. From target to gene synthesis in just a few clicks.

UltraP: A Platform for Ultra-Low Yield Protein Sample Preparation and Characterization

UltraP is a platform for ultra-low yield (membrane) protein extraction and purification using streamlined protocols and proprietary tools for protein characterization and quality assessment. At its core resides a proprietary protein scaffold which can be used across different protein analyis and purification methods without the need of target optimization.

PXN Grids: A Diverse and Specialized Electron Microscopy Grid Portfolio

PXN Grids are diverse and specialized electron microscopy grids for high-throughput cryo-EM sample screening. The grid portfolio addresses problems such as preferred particle orientation, particle distribution, low protein yield and suboptimal ice thickness. This proprietary set of grids, grid priming techniques and customized image processing protocols enable us to get better control over parameters which increase the success of your cryo-EM project.

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